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The LIS-platform, a BIM-based software platform, is being developed to monitor various aspects of buildings. This platform provides a comprehensive overview of structu...

Enhance your innovation

Here are some tips to help your innovation succeed and have the chance to better our world!
We’re here to help your innovation succeed for a chance of a better world. These expert tips are meant to be used as a guide as you build how to efficiently present your innovation.

Our tips to maximize your communication and sales efficiency

You’ll create a greater impact if you make it obvious why your innovation is a good bet. Set the stage for the reader with current problems and worries so that your innovations existence makes sense within it’s context.

We want potential investors to think; “It’s illogical that this innovation doesn’t already exist.”

Go straight to the point in the section where we ask ‘What is your innovation and why should it be of interest to a potential investor?’. Why is it needed? You’ll be able to go more in detail further along. For example: Nature based treatment of salty waters to prevent droughts. Here we have the problem and the solution in one sentence. Be concise to the point that if the reader stops reading after these key points, they have the ability to make an educated decision.

We tried to be as helpful with our form as we could, so follow along and you’ll be good. It’s tailored so the reader can quickly understand why your innovation is not only important but necessary. What are the main benefits, how it works, important points to highlight, technical documents, etc. The order of each section is organized with the readers comprehension.

And remember, there are sections for the technical specifics so try to keep everything else easy to digest for readers of diverse professional backgrounds. Someone that knows and is interested in a specific area can jump to said area. This will help keep your innovations information accessible for more people, which spreads the word and that’s always a good thing.

At the end of the day, we all need a little push to pick what to invest our time in reading. We got to grab the readers attention and interest first, then they can know more benefits and what changes to expect before finally getting in to how exactly it works or how possible it is.

Let’s keep this clean and simple. If it’s an acronym; first write the full name, a hyphen (–), and then the acronym itself. For example, Climate Innovation Window – UFPUS.

Just include the name, no special features or benefits. Don’t worry, you’ll have space for that as a subtitle.

Before uploading them, make sure your image is saved with a logical name. For example, if it’s a picture of a drone watering a forest, you could name it “drone_watering_forest.png”. No need to upload huge, heavy pictures, so you can crop them smaller. Keep it in the XXX – 2MB range, though. To make sure they’re not too heavy you could pass them through an online image optimizer, but pay attention you don’t lose significant quality. After that, you’re ready to show off your innovation!

It’s pretty important that your logo is a good representation of your company. And that starts with good quality so try to get the image of your logo in PNG format (.png). Ideally it should be 540 x 225 pixels, or as close as you can get to that. If it has a transparent background, even better.

Focus on including aspects of your innovation that you didn’t include in other sections, but make sure you’re not redundant. This is the moment to get technical. You can go into more detail about a specific function, technical requirements, or necessary resources.

Just because this is a technical section, doesn’t mean it has to be tedious to read. Start off with some introductory texts to get the reader in the right headspace to understand the value of each detail you want to highlight about your innovation.

Hear us out, they’ve gotta be well designed. That doesn’t have to mean it’s gonna entail much extra work though! Pick a font that represents the importance of your innovation. A serious font over a more playful one would make for more legibility and a better first impression. Pay close attention to how you organize the information, it should follow a clear train of thought with a good structure. Use titles and subtitles to divide by topics, timeline, department, etc.

Make sure they’re PDF documents! It’s the only way to ensure your documents can’t be edited and your information stays safe. Powerpoint and Word don’t work. Just make sure it doesn’t surpass 2MB.

Breakdown service and product costs as much as possible, transparency is always a positive thing. Be clear if it’s monthly, annual or one-time payments. Specify if it’s based on a price range or if that’s currently not a possibility, you can input all the necessary information and include the ‘Consult Innovator’ option.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a diam nunc. Curabitur viverra felis sit amet sapien lacinia, sed efficitur libero dictum. Nam imperdiet hendrerit ipsum et molestie. Curabitur scelerisque pretium mauris, at commodo nisl. Phasellus venenatis tellus non dictum sodales. Vestibulum a sagittis eros. Vivamus lorem lorem, interdum nec placerat non, semper in diam.

Vivamus maximus lorem ut risus imperdiet aliquam. Cras sagittis velit eu elit tempus feugiat. Vivamus elementum, orci ac ullamcorper imperdiet, nunc est mattis turpis, sit amet bibendum orci lectus at elit.

Aliquam tempus dolor nec neque viverra, at euismod lacus tincidunt. Phasellus maximus quam at nunc convallis, nec blandit nulla congue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a diam nunc. Curabitur viverra felis sit amet sapien lacinia, sed efficitur libero dictum. Nam imperdiet hendrerit ipsum et molestie. Curabitur scelerisque pretium mauris, at commodo nisl. Phasellus venenatis tellus non dictum sodales. Vestibulum a sagittis eros. Vivamus lorem lorem, interdum nec placerat non, semper in diam.

Vivamus maximus lorem ut risus imperdiet aliquam. Cras sagittis velit eu elit tempus feugiat. Vivamus elementum, orci ac ullamcorper imperdiet, nunc est mattis turpis, sit amet bibendum orci lectus at elit.

Aliquam tempus dolor nec neque viverra, at euismod lacus tincidunt. Phasellus maximus quam at nunc convallis, nec blandit nulla congue.

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