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The LIS-platform, a BIM-based software platform, is being developed to monitor various aspects of buildings. This platform provides a comprehensive overview of structu...

Resiliants: WATER

Resiliants: WATER aims to create a predictive dashboard for avocado farming in La Palma, integrating AI-based climate projections to guide agricultural investments. By forecasting water footprints and market prices, this tool helps investors and farm managers make informed decisions, ensuring resilience against climate change.

Predictive insights for climate-resilient farming
Bridges research with practical farm management
Enhances data precision with sector-specific systems

- Predictive insights for climate-resilient farming
- Bridges research with practical farm management
- Enhances data precision with sector-specific systems

TRL2. Applied research: Technology concept and/or application formulated
Currently, and given the progress made in previous projects, we have managed to sensor crop plots in which we are studying the history of meteorological situations, soil moisture dynamics, as well as biomass studies through allometric equations. With this first monitoring, provided by our installed IoT systems, we begin to have the first observation data on the evolution of water use in the living labs, as well as a first approximation in the theoretical and methodological frameworks to start the invention. This provision of initial historical data, and a more precise knowledge of the objects of observation, allows us to have a framework of inferences, characteristics of dynamic models and capture of learning patterns to advance in the design of a predictive model that mines such data, and projects towards future scenarios. This is why we conceive the horizon of the project in the determination of a proof of concept that will drive us to TRL 3 and from there to a scale of the scope.

See more information about this level and the TRL and SRL levels.

The system’s main components have been individually tested, and an initial integration has been completed.

CEO - Jose Manuel Corujeira Gomez
No collaborators

How does it work?

This project focuses on adapting the Canary Islands’ agricultural sector to climate change through advanced data integration and decision-making tools. It leverages historical meteorological and market data, combined with real-time sensor data from producers, to create highly granular insights. By developing and applying these tools, the project aims to improve agricultural resilience, optimize water use, and support sustainable practices. The results and methodologies are intended to be scalable and applicable to similar case studies in other regions, such as water management in Lake Ohrid and Lake Prespa or efficiency in the Main River. This approach fosters a data-driven strategy for climate adaptation, enhancing both environmental and economic outcomes.

The project presented to develop a predictive model of investment costs in agriculture, based on water use and climate projections, is
a spin-off of a research project we are carrying out on the generation of water footprint and carbon balance indicators for carbon
farming. It is a line of R+D+i of the company that has gone from the first prototypes of irrigation recommendations by whatsapp to the
design and implementation of digital crop twins, in which we integrate the aforementioned developments on water footprint and
agricultural carbon balance. In the development of the various projects that have enabled us to develop the predictive cost model
based on climate projections and the use of water resources, we have received co-financing from the Canary Islands Government
through the Agencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Información (ACIISI).

Data volume: As with any innovation process involving data models, a limiting factor for the effectiveness of the model to be developed is the amount of data required to learn it.
Predictive algorithms: It is also a critical factor in the project to have a precise theoretical and methodological framework that allows the creation of an effective and, in the best case, efficient algorithm for determining the costs associated with the value of water in future scenarios.
Cost of processing: An essential aspect of effectiveness is also related to the current limitations of cloud computing

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Other Macaronesia digital SLU innovations
Resiliants: WATER aims to create a predictive dashboard for avocado farming in La Palma, integrating AI-based climate projections to guide agricultural investments. By...

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Jose Manuel Corujeira Gomez


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Jose Manuel Corujeira Gomez

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