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The LIS-platform, a BIM-based software platform, is being developed to monitor various aspects of buildings. This platform provides a comprehensive overview of structu...


An exceptional period of water shortage for existing ecosystems and human population

Resiliants: WATER aims to create a predictive dashboard for avocado farming in La Palma, integrating AI-based climate projections to guide agricultural investments. By...
We are developing a dashboard for the Prespa-Ohrid Lake community and authorities to monitor water levels, forecast floods and droughts, and provide early warnings, al...
We address two water issues: treatment and storage. Using compact robotic reverse osmosis (RO) for water treatment and a fast-installation, mass-volume water storage s...
Our innovation, the h-aero family of UAVs, represents a groundbreaking advancement in unmanned aerial vehicles, combining the characteristics of airplanes, helicopters...
The autonomous river environment analysis system (AREAS) consists of a set of floating mini power plants and server stations. The power plants are located along the ri...
This innovation focuses on sustainable agriculture in the Canary Islands by integrating satellite and drone data to monitor and improve soil health, water usage, and b...
Aim of the „Nutzwasser“-project is to further optimize the water quality after the conventional treatment in order to generate „Nutzwasser“ as an alternative water res...
IRRIFRAME is Decision Support System for Farm Water Management aiming to ensure an efficient use of water resources in the agricultural sector.
The innovation in precision agriculture involves a system that remotely measures Volumetric Water Content (VWC) using low-cost IoT and AI technologies. It optimizes ir...
ARIS is conceived as an online GIS tool to consult precision weather and climate information tailored to the needs of the agricultural sector. The system will be desig...
Our innovation utilizes a unique gasification reactor design equipped with a catalytic reformer to maintain a precise and closely monitored temperature profile in the ...
The innovation is aimed at reducing the impact of global warming through a complex system technology to restore and increase soil fertility.
HYPRO (HYdram Powered Reverse Osmosis) is a low-cost low-carbon Reverse Osmosis (RO) unit. HYPRO supplies greywater and potable water by harvesting the energy of a flo...
A rapid biosensor for detecting Campylobacter in under 10 minutes, offering instant results via Bluetooth. This breakthrough addresses climate-related health risks and...
Resilience MeetUp is a web platform centralizing data on extreme heat events in Athens. It offers real-time updates, content creation, citizen engagement, and feedback...
The vertical bioretention system uses modular concrete elements to manage rainwater and reduce floods. It supports vegetation, collects rainwater, and enhances urban s...
This digital farming platform revolutionizes agriculture with smart data management, real-time visualization, and decision support. It enhances production quality, mee...
Our Excel-based tool predicts climate risks by analyzing hydro-meteorological data. It provides alerts and actionable insights for managing floods, droughts, and water...
Wicker rye is planted in autumn and mulched in spring. Slots are cut in the mulch for seeds. The mulch protects soil, promotes soil life, and enhances water absorption...
PAP.EARTH is an AI search engine that rewards users with EcoCoins for searches. EcoCoins support environmental projects and reduce carbon emissions. It emphasizes user...
The TREATS project develops an expert system to optimize irrigation techniques for water conservation. It analyzes factors like soil, climate, and crop type to guide f...
With the proposed AQUASmartTech project, we aim to design, and implement an IoT platform through which end-users can have real-time insight into water quality paramete...
Our Digital Twin software uses in situ observations, satellite data, and weather forecasts to provide accurate water forecasts and extreme event alerts, improving effi...
An immersive and eco-friendly tourism experience in the Ohrid-Prespa Region. We aim to not only showcase the natural beauty but actively engage tourists in sustainable...
EcoLearn is a groundbreaking climate-adaptive education platform that responds to the pressing need for comprehensive awareness and capacity-building in the face of cl...
Our university proposes a spin-off from our accredited laboratory for surface water measurements, aiming to serve Korca and Pogradec municipalities. The project will d...
The proposed innovation is an integrated system which combines already well known and commercialized products such as rain-water-harvesting and solar pumps. Rainwater ...
Lobelia.AgroClimate platform for Soil Moisture Monitoring and Climate Risk Assessment data is a comlete digital solution designed for agriculture and environmental man...
Organic fertilizers from animal by-products using an innovative radio frequency process patented by Fasthum S.r.l. This method is fast, sustainable, and enhances soil ...
vertECO® is a green wall that treats wastewater with plants and microbes. It purifies water for reuse, cutting tap water use by 50%. The system is eco-friendly, easy t...
The innovation adds a protective shell to sewer mining infrastructure, shielding components, educating the community, reducing carbon footprint, and mitigating urban h...
WEO uses satellite data and AI to help cities manage climate change and urban heat. It provides high-resolution insights, maps heat, vegetation, and surfaces, and reco...
The IWRS uses sensors and drones for real-time water monitoring in the Ohrid and Prespa Lakes. It engages locals for data management and community awareness, promoting...
WATER4ALL measures groundwater in real-time to estimate lake levels and issue alerts. Data is accessible via web and apps. It includes a study on climate impacts, rais...
SingularRibbon adds nature to cities with a lightweight, hydroponic structure that is easy to install on facades or pillars. It supports remote plant growth control an...
successful and operative GIS-based online tool where relevant applied climatic and meteorologic information can be easily consulted, plus other types of on-demand deri...
It provides cyclists (and other passersby) with fresh drinking water, to raise awareness on its environmental benefits and quality. This will lead to more appreciation...
IRRIBIGDATA aims to collect data concerning the whole irrigation system at different territorial scale, that can be the area managed by a single irrigation water opera...
Timely and systematic generation of actionable warnings and risk indicators on the severity and extent of drought and water scarcity impacts. Monitoring and forecastin...
Water from Heaven contributes to local rain water storage and helps to overcome droughts.
Treatment of salty waters and brine effluents with a high potential for recovering salts and generating new freshwater resources
Increase soil water conservation in drought-prone agroecosystems
A feature of climate change is desiccation and salinization, which is especially problematic in agricultural areas. In order to counteract the salinization and its neg...
Raincast improves the making-decision process of agencies and companies in the water (basin authorities), agriculture (farming associations) and industrial (hydropower...
Soil moisture is an important factor in precision agriculture for enabling flexible and smart irrigation strategies. Measuring soil moisture at 30-100 cm depth through...
Finding and implementation of optimal operating rules on surface reservoirs and aquifers to efficiently face drought impacts by re-arranging demand deliveries in a way...
Treatment and reuse of agro-industrial wastewaters for irrigation activities in drought prone regions
Farmers are confronted more and more with the consequences of climate change. Water shortages, higher temperatures, shifting seasons, more extreme events, amongst othe...
Irrigated agriculture is the most relevant water use sector, therefore highlighting the key role that efficient irrigation plays for saving water at the global level. ...
TIC solutions for better agriculture and crop management
Use of low-cost devices (fishfinders) to measure bed levels, process the data into bathymetric maps and make the data easily available for the user. This creates a low...
Small waste streams such as roadside/rail toilets, guard posts, house or small neighborhood sewage; contaminated wells and boreholes for drinking water
The main specific objective of this innovation lies in recreating, indoor, environmental conditions suitable for the growth of various types of vegetal organisms
Affordable remote measurement of soil moisture, EC and temperature for horticulture and agriculture (and other applications). This type of measurement is needed to use...
WATER: Improvement of water efficiency, management, and quality/quantity; CITY SUSTAINABILITY: Improving adaptation capacity, and urban planning and resilience, Promot...
FREEWAT platform helps in increasing resilience to water related hazards, in particular drought, by enhancing groundwater management and supporting analysis at contami...
Maximizing irrigation efficiency is recognized as a key priority for optimizing water resources management. Irrinet-Irriframe is an IT-tool to deliver irrigation sched...
A polyculture agrosystem for reducing drought risks, and preventing floods and soil erosion
In recent years a growing concern has been expressed throughout the EU regarding water scarcity and the significant impacts on water resources by agricultural activiti...
Climate change is un undeniable fact to which we, as mankind, have to find ways to adapt. To a large extent this change relates to water. In case of extreme weather, w...
Already 4 billion people face water scarcity today. Freshwater scarcity is increasing due to growing population & water footprint and climate change. The key to mo...
Nowadays, many sectors of the industry need high quality water. For this reason industries (chemistry, pharma, food industry, etc) apply reverse osmosis to the running...
Changes in climate and their impact on agricultural systems and rural economies are already evident. Tree productivity is inextricably tied to climate, in particular, ...
AUDIMOD is a decision support tool that is designed to help investors and decision makers to simulate the potential for irrigation modernization projects to help secur...
PAS-WATER is a comprehensive diagnosis and analysis framework aiming to facilitate an improved water harvesting system at basin or sub-basin scale. This is based on pa...

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