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The LIS-platform, a BIM-based software platform, is being developed to monitor various aspects of buildings. This platform provides a comprehensive overview of structu...

SAEx–L (Signal of Atmosphere Extreme Locally)

Alerting the population that lives or occasionally is situated in an urban area that is expected to be hit by one or several extreme weather events. SAEx –L advises on the actions people have to undertake according to the specific extreme weather phenomenon expected to happen and also, enables the connection of people at risk with rescue and relief teams.

Developed by Meteoalb Ltd

An integrated system provides the Signal of Atmosphere Extreme at the local scale and enables automatic dissemination of SAEx-L warning to SIM card holders who live or are occasionally located in the risk area by SMS and also a phone number making possible the connection of risked population with the rescue teams at the terrain.

TRL5. Laboratory testing of integrated system
Technology validated in relevant environment. Fidelity of breadboard technology increases significantly. The basic technological components are integrated with reasonably realistic supporting elements so they can be tested in a simulated environment. Examples include “high-fidelity” laboratory integration of components. The SAEx – L is tested in the everyday quantitative rainfall forecast and it demonstrates that it works with a higher accuracy during heavy and extreme rainfall (tested during two very extreme rainfall events over Tirane and three other cities). The SAEx – L needs to be tested in forecasting wind & hail storms and moreover, it should be tested on the response and feedback from community and different institutions about the improvement that brings this innovation on their life and activities during extreme weather events signalized by SAEx – L.

See more information about this level and the TRL and SRL levels.

The system’s main components have been individually tested, and an initial integration has been completed.


How does it work?

A dense enough network of automatic weather stations for monitoring a specific urban area and a high resolution numerical weather prediction model enable an accurate forecast of extreme weather phenomenon at least 48 hours in advance. In case an extreme weather signal is captured, the SAEx-L warning is available and enables automatic transmission to SIM card holders who live or are occasionally located in the risk area. SAEx-L also includes advises for appropriate risk-based actions and also a phone number, ready to respond during the entire extreme weather event and to connect the people under the risk to the rescue teams.

Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective

No Added value
It will be the first time in Albania, to signalize the population directly to their mobile phones about the risk of any extreme weather phenomenon. Up to now, the Albanian populations are still informed only by TV and mainly only after the extreme weather has happened.

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Other Meteoalb Ltd innovations
Alerting the population that lives or occasionally is situated in an urban area that is expected to be hit by one or several extreme weather events. SAEx –L advises on...

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TRL Level
TRL Level
SRL Level