Climate change is un undeniable fact to which we, as mankind, have to find ways to adapt. To a large extent this change relates to water. In case of extreme weather, water supplies become equally extreme, either as droughts or floods. To fight such extremities we need to bring water management to the next level. As every good manager knows: there can be no effective action if there is no insight.
Insight in water however is difficult, since a large part of the earth's water resources is hidden underground. How can we gain the required insights in groundwater, such that we can take the proper actions and mitigate the consequences of climate change?
Developed by WaterMappers
SkyDowser is a very special sensor system, carried by a drone, which is able to map the earth's first 50m of soil at high speeds, at least an order of magnitude higher than what is currently available. Due to this big improvement the cost of groundwater monitoring is reduced by an order of magnitude as well. The sensor uses classical groundwater exploration techniques, repackaged in a light-weight fashion for operation with drones. The measured signals can be used to detect groundwater levels, determine soil moisture levels and map salt-water intrusion.
See more information about this level and the TRL and SRL levels.
The system’s main components have been individually tested, and an initial integration has been completed.
The SkyDowser uses the fundamental electromagnetic properties of the earth to find, quantify and analyse groundwater. The sensor continuously transmits an electromagnetic field, which in turn causes Eddie-currents to run below the earth’s surface. These currents induce a secondary electromagnetic field, which is picked up by the sensor’s receivers.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
Our innovation is limited to relatively fair weather conditions. Also, our measurement depth is limited to approximately 50 meters.
Added value
Our innovation is mainly focussed on creating a low-weight sensor system, which is capable of drone-flight operation. The current solution are bulky and can only be carried by hand or by helicopter. Both solutions result in huge operational cost. As such, acquiring valuable groundwater data is currently too costly for many governments, researchers and farmers. Our innovation facilitates adoption of the much more cost and time-effective platform offered by drones, providing groundwater insight against commodity prices.
Climate change is un undeniable fact to which we, as mankind, have to find ways to adapt. To a large extent this change relates to water. In case of extreme weather, water supplies become equally extreme, either as droughts or floods. To fight such extremities we need to bring water management to the next level. As every good manager knows: there can be no effective action if there is no insight.
Insight in water however is difficult, since a large part of the earth's water resources is hidden underground. How can we gain the required insights in groundwater, such that we can take the proper actions and mitigate the consequences of climate change?
Developed by WaterMappers
SkyDowser is a very special sensor system, carried by a drone, which is able to map the earth's first 50m of soil at high speeds, at least an order of magnitude higher than what is currently available. Due to this big improvement the cost of groundwater monitoring is reduced by an order of magnitude as well. The sensor uses classical groundwater exploration techniques, repackaged in a light-weight fashion for operation with drones. The measured signals can be used to detect groundwater levels, determine soil moisture levels and map salt-water intrusion.
The main components of the system have been tested separately, and an initial integration exercise has been conducted.
The SkyDowser uses the fundamental electromagnetic properties of the earth to find, quantify and analyse groundwater. The sensor continuously transmits an electromagnetic field, which in turn causes Eddie-currents to run below the earth’s surface. These currents induce a secondary electromagnetic field, which is picked up by the sensor’s receivers.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
Our innovation is limited to relatively fair weather conditions. Also, our measurement depth is limited to approximately 50 meters.
Added value
Our innovation is mainly focussed on creating a low-weight sensor system, which is capable of drone-flight operation. The current solution are bulky and can only be carried by hand or by helicopter. Both solutions result in huge operational cost. As such, acquiring valuable groundwater data is currently too costly for many governments, researchers and farmers. Our innovation facilitates adoption of the much more cost and time-effective platform offered by drones, providing groundwater insight against commodity prices.
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