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CLEVER TOOL (Climatic Environmental Vulnerability Event Recorder TOOL )

The CLEVER TOOL logs port environmental events to assess climate impacts. It includes a database, web app, and data management service. The tool allows easy event logging and creates operational thresholds and climate indicators.

The CLEVER TOOL allow (non-technical or scientificpersonnel) to record environmental events,complementing the event information with externalenvironmental data sources. This integration of differenttype of data will ease adding the relevant on-siteinformation, with no need to define or describe in detailthe magnitude of the drivers.
Easy to adapt to other ports in the State-owned SpanishPort System, which share the same centralizedobservations and forecasting services provided byPuertos del Estado
Provides a full catalogue of recorded events that willhelp scientific and technical experts to identify thedrivers for different non-operational situations and laterto adjust threshold values, using more realistic ones(based on previous observed/measured experience)instead of using theoretical values (based on designcriteria).

- Climatic event logging (to better understanding the environmental drivers and their associated impact in ports operations and infrastructures).
- Identification of Climatic vulnerable areas within ports.
- All done through an easy-to-use tool (ready to get inputs on recorded events, even from non-technical personnel, combined with a detailed use of observational and model data that provides valuable information to scientists and technicians).
This hazard creates storm/high winds speeds, sea level rise, and multi-hazard.

TRL3. Critical function: Proof of concept established
Conceptual design of the tool, defining the different elements and technologies to be used. The data retrieval module has been already tested in other tools and environments, such as Environmental Control Panel software ( and other in-house operational services. All elements perform satisfactorily as separate items, but integration of elements in a single tool has still to be done.

See more information about this level and the TRL and SRL levels.

The main components of the system have been tested separately, and an initial integration exercise has been conducted.

Coastal Services Manager - Jose Maria Garcia-Valdecasas
No collaborators

How does it work?

The objective of CLEVER is to record any event related to environmental drivers and the impact on stakeholders’ operations and port maintenance so that specific thresholds can be identified and enable a methodology that identifies vulnerability shifts due to climate change, and the estimations that should be considered with different climatic scenarios.
The proposed CLEVER Tool is fully aligned with the Usecase proposed for the Port of Valencia on Climate change impact monitoring, integrating past, current, and forecasted oceanic and weather variablesCLEVER has been conceptually designed to provide an answer to Valencia Port needs in terms of climate change impact monitoring. Some identification of needs and initial ideas (marked as a desirable initiative to be developed in the future) were first outlined in the SUDOE INTERREG ECCLIPSE project, in which we participated as subcontractors.

The concept has been developed internally as part of the R&D activities of the company. However, to implement the CLEVER innovation proposed still some further development is required, especially to adapt to specific ValenciaPort requirements and (if finally needed) to fine-tune the necessary capabilities to use third-party information (such as the one provided by Puertos del Estado through its SAMOA products).

The innovation will require deployment of the CLEVER Tool in a cloud, being active 24×7 to guarantee that events are recorded on a near real-time basis. Any limitation to this 24×7 service base (i.e. set up of a delayed mode or offline service) will affect to the number of events recorded, minimizing the total amount of them (after missing or not registering properly some of them), impacting then the representativeness of the proposed service. On the other hand, integration of the service in ValenciaPort systems (or in Puertos del Estado ones, if decided) can be easily achieved. Always, consider such extra integration of the service as an external activity that would require some activity from third parties involved.

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Jose Maria Garcia-Valdecasas


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