In the last years, climate change has led to increasing disturbance of the water balance – mainly consisting in an increase of flooding events and at the same time, in a decrease in groundwater replenishment from rain water; the water balance and the soil humidity are thus significantly impacted. The aim of this innovation is to improve the local water balance by collecting rain water - mitigating the flood magnitude - and to use this water for artificial recharge of groundwater – improving the groundwater balance - thus ensuring a water resources for drought periods. Software based assessments are used to established the location and characteristics of adequate polders for water storage and infiltration.
Developed by UTCB
The innovation refers to some combined solutions for storm (rain) water collection in polders and subsequently using it for infiltration in the subsurface (groundwater artificial recharge). Software is used to define the water collection area, the volume of rain water that will be collected and to establish and design the location and the dimensions of these polders.
See more information about this level and the TRL and SRL levels.
The system’s main components have been individually tested, and an initial integration has been completed.
This innovation could be used either for rural/urban areas or for agricultural lands. The rain water will be collected by the aid of open channel networks; the channels will end in the depression zones close to collection area. A series of polders (cascade) will be designed along these depression areas with the aid of a dedicated software. A detailed study of water infiltration feasibility, specific to the polder areas will be conducted; the construction of artificial equipment for infiltration could be needed. When the first polder will be filled with water, the downstream polders will be supplied by the aid of an overflow. The areas equipped with irrigation channels the retention of rain water may benefit by these channels.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
Normally the are no limitation, but as for all other projects the proposed procedure works only if there are enough available data the precipitation events, local water infrastructure, surface and hydrogeological characteristics of the area that should be collected before starting the application.
Added value
The innovation is based on the integration of known and separately applied solutions dedicated to flood protection, water storage, groundwater artificial recharges and drought mitigation measures. The new characteristics of the precipitation, respectively short periods of time and high intensity generate flood events (as water may not be collected by existing drainage network) on one hand and doesn’t allow the infiltration of water for soil humidity restoration and for groundwater supply on the other. The innovation proposes a procedure, based on dedicated software, capable of putting together and establishing the characteristics of the above-mentioned individual solutions. City administrators, water infrastructure operators, farmers and other type of stakeholders may use this procedure to solve a complex problem: flood protection and water resources restoration (drought impact mitigation).
In the last years, climate change has led to increasing disturbance of the water balance – mainly consisting in an increase of flooding events and at the same time, in a decrease in groundwater replenishment from rain water; the water balance and the soil humidity are thus significantly impacted. The aim of this innovation is to improve the local water balance by collecting rain water - mitigating the flood magnitude - and to use this water for artificial recharge of groundwater – improving the groundwater balance - thus ensuring a water resources for drought periods. Software based assessments are used to established the location and characteristics of adequate polders for water storage and infiltration.
Developed by UTCB
The innovation refers to some combined solutions for storm (rain) water collection in polders and subsequently using it for infiltration in the subsurface (groundwater artificial recharge). Software is used to define the water collection area, the volume of rain water that will be collected and to establish and design the location and the dimensions of these polders.
The main components of the system have been tested separately, and an initial integration exercise has been conducted.
This innovation could be used either for rural/urban areas or for agricultural lands. The rain water will be collected by the aid of open channel networks; the channels will end in the depression zones close to collection area. A series of polders (cascade) will be designed along these depression areas with the aid of a dedicated software. A detailed study of water infiltration feasibility, specific to the polder areas will be conducted; the construction of artificial equipment for infiltration could be needed. When the first polder will be filled with water, the downstream polders will be supplied by the aid of an overflow. The areas equipped with irrigation channels the retention of rain water may benefit by these channels.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
Normally the are no limitation, but as for all other projects the proposed procedure works only if there are enough available data the precipitation events, local water infrastructure, surface and hydrogeological characteristics of the area that should be collected before starting the application.
Added value
The innovation is based on the integration of known and separately applied solutions dedicated to flood protection, water storage, groundwater artificial recharges and drought mitigation measures. The new characteristics of the precipitation, respectively short periods of time and high intensity generate flood events (as water may not be collected by existing drainage network) on one hand and doesn’t allow the infiltration of water for soil humidity restoration and for groundwater supply on the other. The innovation proposes a procedure, based on dedicated software, capable of putting together and establishing the characteristics of the above-mentioned individual solutions. City administrators, water infrastructure operators, farmers and other type of stakeholders may use this procedure to solve a complex problem: flood protection and water resources restoration (drought impact mitigation).
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