The increase of the human population, its concentration in the cities and the urban expansion is promoting the waterproofing of large areas of soil which generate important environmental impacts as: denaturation of the environment, loss of biodiversity, and the strong modification of the hydrological processes which finally increase the risks of flooding, overloading and water pollution of natural and urban water bodies
Developed by Sistemas Urbanos Drenaje Sostenible S.L.
Cities need a new "living and permeable skins" that act as water and atmospheric filters. Permeable systems focus on the origin of the problem allowing to "plug or replace" many of the current impermeable surfaces by new ones composed by "infiltration cells" and "flat ducts" that are able to collect rainwaters and increase the filtering and recycling of urban runoff fluxes.
See more information about this level and the TRL and SRL levels.
The system’s main components have been individually tested, and an initial integration has been completed.
This SUDS’ solution combines a “soil permeable system” with a “flat conduit pavement” made with new materials. The system is able to emulate the natural hydrological cycle, capturing the rainwater as much as possible to where it falls, filtering it, and channeling the resulting subsurface drainage – through “drainage cells” or flat conduits – to suitable sites where to be stored, treated or recharged. In doing that, the system reduces the pollution of urban runoff fluxes, and the requirements of water for gardening.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
The effectiveness’ system is reduced during extreme cold weather events
Added value
Our solution allows to reduce the waterproofing of urban soils converting those into new “skins” able to efficiently harvest and manage rainwater, improving the urban environment, reducing the risks of flooding and wastewater generation, shortening the volumes and costs of wastewater treatment, and making a more rational and eco-friendly use of urban runoff waters.
The increase of the human population, its concentration in the cities and the urban expansion is promoting the waterproofing of large areas of soil which generate important environmental impacts as: denaturation of the environment, loss of biodiversity, and the strong modification of the hydrological processes which finally increase the risks of flooding, overloading and water pollution of natural and urban water bodies
Developed by Sistemas Urbanos Drenaje Sostenible S.L.
Cities need a new "living and permeable skins" that act as water and atmospheric filters. Permeable systems focus on the origin of the problem allowing to "plug or replace" many of the current impermeable surfaces by new ones composed by "infiltration cells" and "flat ducts" that are able to collect rainwaters and increase the filtering and recycling of urban runoff fluxes.
The main components of the system have been tested separately, and an initial integration exercise has been conducted.
This SUDS’ solution combines a “soil permeable system” with a “flat conduit pavement” made with new materials. The system is able to emulate the natural hydrological cycle, capturing the rainwater as much as possible to where it falls, filtering it, and channeling the resulting subsurface drainage – through “drainage cells” or flat conduits – to suitable sites where to be stored, treated or recharged. In doing that, the system reduces the pollution of urban runoff fluxes, and the requirements of water for gardening.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
The effectiveness’ system is reduced during extreme cold weather events
Added value
Our solution allows to reduce the waterproofing of urban soils converting those into new “skins” able to efficiently harvest and manage rainwater, improving the urban environment, reducing the risks of flooding and wastewater generation, shortening the volumes and costs of wastewater treatment, and making a more rational and eco-friendly use of urban runoff waters.
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