Finding and implementation of optimal operating rules on surface reservoirs and aquifers to efficiently face drought impacts by re-arranging demand deliveries in a way that increases the economic benefits and by adopting efficient conjunctive use policies (combining surface and groundwater resources)
Developed by Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
A hydroeconomic DSS tool able to solve both simulation and optimization problems. It requires as input the physical and economic components of the system. The simulation module allocates water resources following a given operating policy implemented through two techniques: priority-based allocation or fuzzy-rule-based-system allocation. The optimization module finds out optimal decisions to maximice the economic benefits during water shortage events. It implements both determinsitic and stochastic approaches, as well as groundwater and stream-aquifer interaction techniques
See more information about this level and the TRL and SRL levels.
The system’s main components have been individually tested, and an initial integration has been completed.
Our IT technology is a software toolbox that provides a valuable solution for drought risk management through the integration and combination of hydroeconomic models (with economic characterization of water values at the main uses) and inflow forescasting algorithms.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
No. It is applicable to all water resource systems under water scarcity conditions More information about the innovation, the methods it implements and its application to the Jucar river system in: PhD Dissertation
Added value
Integration of economics in drought risk planning and management using a probabilistic approach.
Finding and implementation of optimal operating rules on surface reservoirs and aquifers to efficiently face drought impacts by re-arranging demand deliveries in a way that increases the economic benefits and by adopting efficient conjunctive use policies (combining surface and groundwater resources)
Developed by Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
A hydroeconomic DSS tool able to solve both simulation and optimization problems. It requires as input the physical and economic components of the system. The simulation module allocates water resources following a given operating policy implemented through two techniques: priority-based allocation or fuzzy-rule-based-system allocation. The optimization module finds out optimal decisions to maximice the economic benefits during water shortage events. It implements both determinsitic and stochastic approaches, as well as groundwater and stream-aquifer interaction techniques
The main components of the system have been tested separately, and an initial integration exercise has been conducted.
Our IT technology is a software toolbox that provides a valuable solution for drought risk management through the integration and combination of hydroeconomic models (with economic characterization of water values at the main uses) and inflow forescasting algorithms.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
No. It is applicable to all water resource systems under water scarcity conditions More information about the innovation, the methods it implements and its application to the Jucar river system in: PhD Dissertation
Added value
Integration of economics in drought risk planning and management using a probabilistic approach.
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