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HYPRO – Hydram Powered Reverse Osmosis

HYPRO (HYdram Powered Reverse Osmosis) is a low-cost low-carbon Reverse Osmosis (RO) unit. HYPRO supplies greywater and potable water by harvesting the energy of a flowing water source to filter that water source.

Low Cost – HYPRO offers significantly lower operational expense for RO, by using naturally occurring energy (from rivers, rainwater, or waves) to provide high-pressure water, whilst lowering the infrastructure andcarbon cost. Crucially this de-couples the cost of cleanwater from the price of energy.
Zero Carbon – Reverse Osmois requires high-pressurewater meaning up to 40% of the operating cost is energy, creating a carbon cost that can exceed 1.1 kgeCarbon/m3. Using Hydrams to provide the pressure forthe purification process enables the use of untappedenergy in water systems and helps drive the watersector towards net zero.
Applicability - HYPRO’s scalable modular nature enables distributed RO systems with a low infrastructure footprint. This means that HYPRO can be usedanywhere with falling water; integrating into existingwater treatment and RO systems or scaled for rainwaterharvesting and farm runoff applications.

Climate-Related Hazards Addressed:

- Droughts
- Heatwaves
- Contamination (alleviating water scarcity)

Specific Problems Solved:

- High-cost water filtration and purification: HYPRO uses zero-carbon Hydrams and renewable energy to offer a cost-effective alternative to energy-intensive reverse osmosis.
- Remote water capture: HYPRO operates off-grid with Hydrams, reducing infrastructure costs and enabling use in remote areas.
- Water contamination: HYPRO's scalable, distributed capacity targets pollution at the source, improving the quality of natural water bodies, particularly against agricultural runoff.

TRL4. Laboratory testing of prototype component or process
HYPRO brings together commercially available Hydrams and Reverse Osmosis. The combination of Hydrams and Reverse Osmosis has been theorised for a while (, but the Smart Hydram and recent innovations by the HydroHammer team on water cycling have unlocked this technology. We have built and demonstrated a scale model but have not yet built a system that can move out of a laboratory setting and be tested in real conditions.

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The system’s main components have been individually tested, and an initial integration has been completed.

CEO - Thomas Rowan
Thomas Rowan

How does it work?

HYPRO offers the ability to reuse and recycle water in a distrusted, low-cost and low infrastructure way enabling business and industry to reduce their Enviromental impact.
Case Study #8 – Torbay and Devon County, South West England/UK – HYPRO enables major stakeholders, communities and individuals to treat their rainwater and surface water in a sustainable zero carbon way. Enabling better planning and management of green/blue spaces while reducing water consumption.

HYPRO enables users to clean water and pump it for to storage from multiple surface sources (rain, seawater etc.). It relies only on the energy within the water (river drop and waves). It can turn any flowing water into a clean water source.

The innovation has been developed independently by HydroHammer Ltd. over several years. The company has received support in the form of grants and other assistance from Innovate UK, Imperial College London, The Greenhouse (Climate Innovation Accelerator), and the James Dyson Award. The company developed its low-cost Hydrams as part of an R&D project funded by Innovate UK’s Fast Start grant.

HYPRO operates using the energy of flowing water. The capacity of the system can be determined by the flow rate and the head height of the water body being used for power. At minimum HYPRO must have water flow with at least 0.5m of fall for the Hydram to operate effectively. The smart controller removes the need for the water flow to be continuous and allows the system to be controlled remotely.

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HYPRO (HYdram Powered Reverse Osmosis) is a low-cost low-carbon Reverse Osmosis (RO) unit. HYPRO supplies greywater and potable water by harvesting the energy of a flo...

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Thomas Rowan


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