Maximizing irrigation efficiency is recognized as a key priority for optimizing water resources management. Irrinet-Irriframe is an IT-tool to deliver irrigation schedules to the farmer through different communication channels. Irriframe- Acquacampus is an extension to Irrinet-Irriframe to support efficient management of irrigation networks, by optimizing water delivery to the farmer.
Developed by University of Bologna - Consorzio CER
Irriframe-Acquacampus processes several layers of information related to the irrigation network, irrigation demands, water resources availability and operating conditions of the system. Basing on the virtual knowledge of the network Irriframe-Acquacampus suggests innovative technologies for reducing leakages. Irriframe-Acquacampus is a service to water managers, to build new knowledge and to plan renewal action of existing networks to cope with increasing risk of drought.
See more information about this level and the TRL and SRL levels.
The system’s main components have been individually tested, and an initial integration has been completed.
Irriframe-Acquacampus is a service to water managers to maximize the efficiency of irrigation networks. It processes information from a specific irrigation system to suggest innovative solutions to save water.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
While Irrinet-Irriframe is already operating on several regions of Italy, Irriframe- Acquacampus is an innovative tool that is currently managed by Consorzio del Canale Emiliano-Romagnolo in one site. The purpose is to provide advanced information to farmers, student and researchers. Irriframe-Acquacampus has been tested in Brigaid. Irriframe Acquacampus requires a significant employment of human resources and a successful effort for dissemination. As such, it is optimally managed by public or private bodies for the fulfilment of their institutional purposes.
Added value
Several tools were developed to schedule irrigation therefore providing vital information to farmers to save water. One of such tools is Irrinet-Irriframe (see Irriframe-Acquacampus is a service to water managers. As such, it is complementary to Irrinet-Irriframe, therefore allowing to optimize irrigation efficiency by looking at the whole path of the water flow, from the water source to the farmer and then the field.
Maximizing irrigation efficiency is recognized as a key priority for optimizing water resources management. Irrinet-Irriframe is an IT-tool to deliver irrigation schedules to the farmer through different communication channels. Irriframe- Acquacampus is an extension to Irrinet-Irriframe to support efficient management of irrigation networks, by optimizing water delivery to the farmer.
Developed by University of Bologna - Consorzio CER
Irriframe-Acquacampus processes several layers of information related to the irrigation network, irrigation demands, water resources availability and operating conditions of the system. Basing on the virtual knowledge of the network Irriframe-Acquacampus suggests innovative technologies for reducing leakages. Irriframe-Acquacampus is a service to water managers, to build new knowledge and to plan renewal action of existing networks to cope with increasing risk of drought.
The main components of the system have been tested separately, and an initial integration exercise has been conducted.
Irriframe-Acquacampus is a service to water managers to maximize the efficiency of irrigation networks. It processes information from a specific irrigation system to suggest innovative solutions to save water.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
While Irrinet-Irriframe is already operating on several regions of Italy, Irriframe- Acquacampus is an innovative tool that is currently managed by Consorzio del Canale Emiliano-Romagnolo in one site. The purpose is to provide advanced information to farmers, student and researchers. Irriframe-Acquacampus has been tested in Brigaid. Irriframe Acquacampus requires a significant employment of human resources and a successful effort for dissemination. As such, it is optimally managed by public or private bodies for the fulfilment of their institutional purposes.
Added value
Several tools were developed to schedule irrigation therefore providing vital information to farmers to save water. One of such tools is Irrinet-Irriframe (see Irriframe-Acquacampus is a service to water managers. As such, it is complementary to Irrinet-Irriframe, therefore allowing to optimize irrigation efficiency by looking at the whole path of the water flow, from the water source to the farmer and then the field.
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