Heat waves, increased precipitation and river flooding occur through climate change. These problems may cause substantial costs. In The Netherlands, for instance, without countermeasures, the damage costs of heat waves are an estimated 8 billion, those of precipitation flooding 29 billion and those of drought problems 34 billion € until 2050. Apart from that, heat periods increasingly cause higher mortality and health problems, especially in cities.
Developed by Wageningen University
We provide design professionals involved in the design of cities with prototypes of water bodies and their environment that actually do cool the cities.
See more information about this level and the TRL and SRL levels.
The system’s main components have been individually tested, and an initial integration has been completed.
Urban designers, landscape architects, architects and civil engineers will apply the design prototypes in making new waterbodies and refurbishing existing waterbodies. We expect that the water bodies in the city that are based on our prototypes will have a larger cooling effect on the urban environment than most current water bodies.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
Not yet known
Added value
The solutions/prototypes we develop are unique. The added value will occur after some time: it will take several years until the new types of water bodies will be implemented. We expect the economic impact to be very positive because they will help to minimize problems caused by rain, drought and urban heat. But given the long term that implementation will take, it is impossible at this point in time to give precise indications about the amount of damage costs that could be saved through the implementation of really cooling waterbodies. In the long run we expect damage cost reductions of several billions of Euros.
Heat waves, increased precipitation and river flooding occur through climate change. These problems may cause substantial costs. In The Netherlands, for instance, without countermeasures, the damage costs of heat waves are an estimated 8 billion, those of precipitation flooding 29 billion and those of drought problems 34 billion € until 2050. Apart from that, heat periods increasingly cause higher mortality and health problems, especially in cities.
Developed by Wageningen University
We provide design professionals involved in the design of cities with prototypes of water bodies and their environment that actually do cool the cities.
The main components of the system have been tested separately, and an initial integration exercise has been conducted.
Urban designers, landscape architects, architects and civil engineers will apply the design prototypes in making new waterbodies and refurbishing existing waterbodies. We expect that the water bodies in the city that are based on our prototypes will have a larger cooling effect on the urban environment than most current water bodies.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
Not yet known
Added value
The solutions/prototypes we develop are unique. The added value will occur after some time: it will take several years until the new types of water bodies will be implemented. We expect the economic impact to be very positive because they will help to minimize problems caused by rain, drought and urban heat. But given the long term that implementation will take, it is impossible at this point in time to give precise indications about the amount of damage costs that could be saved through the implementation of really cooling waterbodies. In the long run we expect damage cost reductions of several billions of Euros.
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