Urban growth combined with increasing rainfall intensities due to climate change may lead to a rapid increase of urban flooding risk. Software based systems where different scenarios of heavy precipitation are simulated gives the possibility to identify optimum solutions for mitigating climate change effects and consequently contribute to better life conditions for the city inhabitants and for the city as a whole.
Developed by UTCB
The innovation refers to a decision support system based on a software model of the city infrastructure. The DSS system allows the risk analysis in case of potential storm damages, the prioritization of the identified climate change adaptation measures and emergency situation readiness preparation in case of heavy rainfall. The decision support system can be used either offline or online as an operational real time system for emergency situation due to heavy rainfall in the urban areas.
See more information about this level and the TRL and SRL levels.
The system’s main components have been individually tested, and an initial integration has been completed.
Municipalities and water utility companies should conjunctionally implement such decision support systems that will provide solutions for climate change mitigation in the cities. Models of existing collection system infrastructure is built. Based on different climate change scenarios one can assess how vulnerable existing infrastructure is to climate change conditions and what solutions can be addressed to lower or completely mitigate storm events effect upon the city. Identified solutions are also tested through existing model. After this stage the utility can opt for building a real time operational decision support system that will provide warning based on now casted or forecasted conditions.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
Normally the are no limitation, but as for all other DSS the proposed procedure works only if there are enough available data about the utility system infrastructure that should be collected before starting the application.
Added value
Mapping the potential effects of different storm events in cities offers the emergency situation units, municipalities and utility companies all the necessary information to better intervene in case of urban flooding, by optimizing resource allocation and infrastructure operation. City inhabitants can receive online maps with potential affected areas that will be flooded, thus avoiding traffic jams and following alternative routes, protecting buildings, goods and increase the quality of life. On longer term the city halls and the utility companies have a practical basis for the investment plan and prioritizing the critical areas.
Urban growth combined with increasing rainfall intensities due to climate change may lead to a rapid increase of urban flooding risk. Software based systems where different scenarios of heavy precipitation are simulated gives the possibility to identify optimum solutions for mitigating climate change effects and consequently contribute to better life conditions for the city inhabitants and for the city as a whole.
Developed by UTCB
The innovation refers to a decision support system based on a software model of the city infrastructure. The DSS system allows the risk analysis in case of potential storm damages, the prioritization of the identified climate change adaptation measures and emergency situation readiness preparation in case of heavy rainfall. The decision support system can be used either offline or online as an operational real time system for emergency situation due to heavy rainfall in the urban areas.
The main components of the system have been tested separately, and an initial integration exercise has been conducted.
Municipalities and water utility companies should conjunctionally implement such decision support systems that will provide solutions for climate change mitigation in the cities. Models of existing collection system infrastructure is built. Based on different climate change scenarios one can assess how vulnerable existing infrastructure is to climate change conditions and what solutions can be addressed to lower or completely mitigate storm events effect upon the city. Identified solutions are also tested through existing model. After this stage the utility can opt for building a real time operational decision support system that will provide warning based on now casted or forecasted conditions.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
Normally the are no limitation, but as for all other DSS the proposed procedure works only if there are enough available data about the utility system infrastructure that should be collected before starting the application.
Added value
Mapping the potential effects of different storm events in cities offers the emergency situation units, municipalities and utility companies all the necessary information to better intervene in case of urban flooding, by optimizing resource allocation and infrastructure operation. City inhabitants can receive online maps with potential affected areas that will be flooded, thus avoiding traffic jams and following alternative routes, protecting buildings, goods and increase the quality of life. On longer term the city halls and the utility companies have a practical basis for the investment plan and prioritizing the critical areas.
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