In the EU many businesses are at risk of floods. Although information is available such as the EU Flood Directive maps, these maps are based on various methodologies and their availability as reusable GIS files is extremely limited. The EU FP7 project RAIN therefore developed pan-European maps for various hazards for a set of defined time periods and climate scenarios. Based on these data, HKV Services launches a website providing businesses with a risk profile at any given location in the EU.
Developed by HKV Consultants
HKV has transformed the data from the EU RAIN project to provide location based flood risk profiles showing flood probability against flood depth for different climate scenarios at any given location in the EU. This information can be used by companies to assess their flood risk and the costs and benefits of flood protection measures. In particular, businesses that are under the SEVESO III Directive are provided with easy to obtain and state of the art information in a user friendly way.
See more information about this level and the TRL and SRL levels.
The BRIGAID Business Development Programme has been successfully completed. A MAF+ assessment has been conducted and its results have been enriched and incorporated into a business plan document.
The main components of the system have been tested separately, and an initial integration exercise has been conducted.
The visitor is guided through multiple screens to derive the flood risk profile. The process starts by selecting a location from a map. This can be done by entering an address ot by picking the location on an interactive map. The map returns the maximum flood depth which indicates whether the location is at risk from flooding. In next step the visitor is asked to register and accept a one time payment for obtaining the flood risk profile. When this step is completed the flood risk profile is generated, presented and explained, and provided as download for further use in a report.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
Because the flood maps from the RAIN project may differ from the EU Flood Directive maps HKV invites national, regional and local authorities in the EU to validate the data against local data sets. MyFloodRiskProfile<
Added value
EU businesses are provided with easy access to science based information about one of the most destructive natural hazards in the EU, through modern day technology. It stimulates awareness, protection and preparedness for floods by businesses and provides a cost efficient method to perform a first flood risk assessment. Especially businesses under the SEVEOS III Directive may find this a useful method for their safety reports.
In the EU many businesses are at risk of floods. Although information is available such as the EU Flood Directive maps, these maps are based on various methodologies and their availability as reusable GIS files is extremely limited. The EU FP7 project RAIN therefore developed pan-European maps for various hazards for a set of defined time periods and climate scenarios. Based on these data, HKV Services launches a website providing businesses with a risk profile at any given location in the EU.
Developed by HKV Consultants
HKV has transformed the data from the EU RAIN project to provide location based flood risk profiles showing flood probability against flood depth for different climate scenarios at any given location in the EU. This information can be used by companies to assess their flood risk and the costs and benefits of flood protection measures. In particular, businesses that are under the SEVESO III Directive are provided with easy to obtain and state of the art information in a user friendly way.
The BRIGAID Business Development Programme has been successfully completed. A MAF+ assessment has been conducted and its results have been enriched and incorporated into a business plan document.
The main components of the system have been tested separately, and an initial integration exercise has been conducted.
The visitor is guided through multiple screens to derive the flood risk profile. The process starts by selecting a location from a map. This can be done by entering an address ot by picking the location on an interactive map. The map returns the maximum flood depth which indicates whether the location is at risk from flooding. In next step the visitor is asked to register and accept a one time payment for obtaining the flood risk profile. When this step is completed the flood risk profile is generated, presented and explained, and provided as download for further use in a report.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
Because the flood maps from the RAIN project may differ from the EU Flood Directive maps HKV invites national, regional and local authorities in the EU to validate the data against local data sets. MyFloodRiskProfile<
Added value
EU businesses are provided with easy access to science based information about one of the most destructive natural hazards in the EU, through modern day technology. It stimulates awareness, protection and preparedness for floods by businesses and provides a cost efficient method to perform a first flood risk assessment. Especially businesses under the SEVEOS III Directive may find this a useful method for their safety reports.
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