Urban areas are increasingly facing urban flooding due to larger peaks of rainfall, and water shortage due to longer periods of drought. Replacing and upgrading the current urban drainage system is labour intensive and expensive. We provide municipalities with a compact and circular system to sustainably manage urban surface run-off.
Developed by Field Factors
Bluebloqs is a visible, scalable and customisable solution to collect, treat and retain rainwater at building, street or neighbourhood level, making it suitable for uncoupling and aquifer storage and recharge for later use. This highly flexible and prefabricated system integrates bio-filtration technology and flow control in a modular product that can be easily applied alongside the curb in residential areas, in squares, industrial sites and parking lots. The system can be customised to the project specific water quantity and quality requirements.
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The market assessment of this innovation has been self-declared by the provider and has not been independently verified. For more details, please contact the innovator directly.
The system’s main components have been individually tested, and an initial integration has been completed.
FLOW CONTROL: With the Bluebloqs system run-off from roofs and streets is retained and slowly discharged, adding capacity to the current sewage system.
BIOFILTRATION: Discharged runoff is treated through a combined slow sand filter and a vertical helophyte filter, for removal of sediments, heavy metals, and organic pollutants. CIRCULAR: Bluebloqs performs to optimally use rainwater for deep infiltration, irrigation or suppletion of open surface water.
CUSTOMISABLE: The system can be customised in flow rate, filtration capacity, configuration and spatial functions to meet the project requirements.
LIGHTWEIGHT: The lightweight prefabricated components enable quick installation on-site.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
Bluebloqs is most effective in paved urban areas, where large amounts of rainwater have to be processed. Suitable applications include light to medium traffic areas, such as sidewalks, pedestrian zones, parking areas, commercial streets and urban lanes. Limitation conditions are areas with high traffic intensity, such as highways or urban corridors.
Added value
Our product is unique because it combines functions of drainage, buffering and filtration of urban run-off into a small scale prefabricated system that can be adapted to the location specific water quantity and quality requirements. Furthermore, the system can be integrated with other spatial functions in infrastructure and public space, such as urban furniture or curbs.
Urban areas are increasingly facing urban flooding due to larger peaks of rainfall, and water shortage due to longer periods of drought. Replacing and upgrading the current urban drainage system is labour intensive and expensive. We provide municipalities with a compact and circular system to sustainably manage urban surface run-off.
Developed by Field Factors
Bluebloqs is a visible, scalable and customisable solution to collect, treat and retain rainwater at building, street or neighbourhood level, making it suitable for uncoupling and aquifer storage and recharge for later use. This highly flexible and prefabricated system integrates bio-filtration technology and flow control in a modular product that can be easily applied alongside the curb in residential areas, in squares, industrial sites and parking lots. The system can be customised to the project specific water quantity and quality requirements.
The business plan for this innovation has been evaluated by The Funding Company and it is considered to be ready for investment.
The main components of the system have been tested separately, and an initial integration exercise has been conducted.
FLOW CONTROL: With the Bluebloqs system run-off from roofs and streets is retained and slowly discharged, adding capacity to the current sewage system.
BIOFILTRATION: Discharged runoff is treated through a combined slow sand filter and a vertical helophyte filter, for removal of sediments, heavy metals, and organic pollutants. CIRCULAR: Bluebloqs performs to optimally use rainwater for deep infiltration, irrigation or suppletion of open surface water.
CUSTOMISABLE: The system can be customised in flow rate, filtration capacity, configuration and spatial functions to meet the project requirements.
LIGHTWEIGHT: The lightweight prefabricated components enable quick installation on-site.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
Bluebloqs is most effective in paved urban areas, where large amounts of rainwater have to be processed. Suitable applications include light to medium traffic areas, such as sidewalks, pedestrian zones, parking areas, commercial streets and urban lanes. Limitation conditions are areas with high traffic intensity, such as highways or urban corridors.
Added value
Our product is unique because it combines functions of drainage, buffering and filtration of urban run-off into a small scale prefabricated system that can be adapted to the location specific water quantity and quality requirements. Furthermore, the system can be integrated with other spatial functions in infrastructure and public space, such as urban furniture or curbs.
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