Today precipitation is monitored by combining terrestrial systems, weather radars and satellite images. The quality of today's precipitation mapping is yet to be satisfactory due to the relevant costs of these systems and the coarse resolution of their measures. WaterView leverages the power of digital cameras to turn them into powerful tools for the real-time and diffuse collection of precipitation data.
Developed by WaterView srl
The innovation is built around WaterView's patented technology IR2 that uses artificial intelligence and computer vision techniques to turn imaging devices, like surveillance IP cameras and smartphone cameras, into “eyes” for seeing, gauging and returning real time precipitation measures (rain, hail, snow).
See more information about this level and the TRL and SRL levels.
The investment readiness of this innovation has been self-declared by the provider and has not been independently verified. For more details, please contact the innovator directly.
The system’s main components have been individually tested, and an initial integration has been completed.
IR2, acronym of Instant Rain Rate, is a patented computer vision algorithm, which gauges rain intensity in real time from pictures and videos registered during rain events. IR2 is based on a simple assumption: since a picture actually conveys 3D information, it is possible to put into relation the optical signature of rain drops within a sampled volume with their numerosity and dimension to estimate the instant rain intensity.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
The quality of the IR2 measures can vary for different hardwares, light conditions (day/night), and users’ reliability. Measures are then provided with the associated uncertainty depending on the relative source.
WaterView integrates traditional precipitation monitoring networks (which are sparse and expensive) with unconventional networks of static and mobile sensors. The significant step forward with respect to existing technologies resides in the possibility to retrieve precipitation measures at very high temporal and spatial resolution at a very low cost.
Today precipitation is monitored by combining terrestrial systems, weather radars and satellite images. The quality of today's precipitation mapping is yet to be satisfactory due to the relevant costs of these systems and the coarse resolution of their measures. WaterView leverages the power of digital cameras to turn them into powerful tools for the real-time and diffuse collection of precipitation data.
Developed by WaterView srl
The innovation is built around WaterView's patented technology IR2 that uses artificial intelligence and computer vision techniques to turn imaging devices, like surveillance IP cameras and smartphone cameras, into “eyes” for seeing, gauging and returning real time precipitation measures (rain, hail, snow).
The business plan for this innovation has been evaluated by The Funding Company and it is considered to be ready for investment.
The main components of the system have been tested separately, and an initial integration exercise has been conducted.
IR2, acronym of Instant Rain Rate, is a patented computer vision algorithm, which gauges rain intensity in real time from pictures and videos registered during rain events. IR2 is based on a simple assumption: since a picture actually conveys 3D information, it is possible to put into relation the optical signature of rain drops within a sampled volume with their numerosity and dimension to estimate the instant rain intensity.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
The quality of the IR2 measures can vary for different hardwares, light conditions (day/night), and users’ reliability. Measures are then provided with the associated uncertainty depending on the relative source.
WaterView integrates traditional precipitation monitoring networks (which are sparse and expensive) with unconventional networks of static and mobile sensors. The significant step forward with respect to existing technologies resides in the possibility to retrieve precipitation measures at very high temporal and spatial resolution at a very low cost.
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