The risk of wildfires can be reduced through the application of prescribed burning practices. However the effectiveness of these practices is constrained to very narrow periods of time in which some climate and environmental conditions are optimal. The knowledge of these conditions by forest and fire managers is critical to decide when to apply prescribed burning.
Developed by Centro de Ecologia Aplicada "prof. Baeta Neves"
The innovation FireAd is an ITC-desk solution able to regularly advice to forest and fire managers on windows of opportunity for forest management practices aiming at reducing the risk of wildfires. The tool generates maps of wildfire (or ignition) risk probability based on the retrieval and analysis of meteorological and drought indices (i.e. SPI), landscape metrics, and vegetation loads. The innovation helps forest and fire managers who want to keep the forest protected to select the best period for forestry practices.
See more information about this level and the TRL and SRL levels.
The BRIGAID Business Development Programme has been successfully completed. A MAF+ assessment has been conducted and its results have been enriched and incorporated into a business plan document.
The system’s main components have been individually tested, and an initial integration has been completed.
Forest management requires planning on a monthly/weekly basis. Wildfire management requires information at daily basis. We develop an approach supported by analysis of links between burned area, drought indices and fuel moisture to optimize the period of forest operations and reduce fire risk when in drought conditions. On regional/local scale, this information will be
complemented with data on wind, air moisture and temperature to identify the best conditions for fire management actions, such as prescribed burning or backfire. Modelling will be done with few and publically available information, at different time scales and drought intensities allowing integration in Apps or platforms for drought monitoring or decision support in forest and fire management.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
The use of backfires in firefighting is very challenging and demanding as if misused it can lead to even larger fires. The innovation will provide tools for a better use of the technique but society has to be aware of the potential benefits and disadvantages
Added value
Our innovation has a broad spectrum of potential users which can be grouped in three different: forest planners, forest managers and wildfire managers. To the best of our knowledge, the integration of cumulative information about drought levels at different time scales is not included in the already existing Apps. This is an added value of our innovation, particularly if we link it with baseline maps of land-use and other features affecting fire ignition and propagation.
The risk of wildfires can be reduced through the application of prescribed burning practices. However the effectiveness of these practices is constrained to very narrow periods of time in which some climate and environmental conditions are optimal. The knowledge of these conditions by forest and fire managers is critical to decide when to apply prescribed burning.
Developed by Centro de Ecologia Aplicada "prof. Baeta Neves"
The innovation FireAd is an ITC-desk solution able to regularly advice to forest and fire managers on windows of opportunity for forest management practices aiming at reducing the risk of wildfires. The tool generates maps of wildfire (or ignition) risk probability based on the retrieval and analysis of meteorological and drought indices (i.e. SPI), landscape metrics, and vegetation loads. The innovation helps forest and fire managers who want to keep the forest protected to select the best period for forestry practices.
The BRIGAID Business Development Programme has been successfully completed. A MAF+ assessment has been conducted and its results have been enriched and incorporated into a business plan document.
The main components of the system have been tested separately, and an initial integration exercise has been conducted.
Forest management requires planning on a monthly/weekly basis. Wildfire management requires information at daily basis. We develop an approach supported by analysis of links between burned area, drought indices and fuel moisture to optimize the period of forest operations and reduce fire risk when in drought conditions. On regional/local scale, this information will be
complemented with data on wind, air moisture and temperature to identify the best conditions for fire management actions, such as prescribed burning or backfire. Modelling will be done with few and publically available information, at different time scales and drought intensities allowing integration in Apps or platforms for drought monitoring or decision support in forest and fire management.
Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective
The use of backfires in firefighting is very challenging and demanding as if misused it can lead to even larger fires. The innovation will provide tools for a better use of the technique but society has to be aware of the potential benefits and disadvantages
Added value
Our innovation has a broad spectrum of potential users which can be grouped in three different: forest planners, forest managers and wildfire managers. To the best of our knowledge, the integration of cumulative information about drought levels at different time scales is not included in the already existing Apps. This is an added value of our innovation, particularly if we link it with baseline maps of land-use and other features affecting fire ignition and propagation.
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