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Resiliants: WATER

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A tool to evaluate and optimize water management and climate adaptation strategies at the scale of an integrated water system

Developed by Sumaqua

SCAN is a software that supports the evaluation of climate adaptation strategies. The tool can be used to analyze the integrated water system, while focusing primarily on water quantity - hydrology and hydraulics (rivers, floodplains and urban drainage systems incl. reservoirs, rain water tanks, infiltration devices, different types of blue-green solutions, effect of hydraulic regulations, etc).

TRL8. System incorporated in comercial design
System complete and qualified. Technology has been proven to work in its final form and under expected conditions. In almost all cases, this TRL represents the end of true system development. Examples include developmental test and evaluation (DT&E) of the system in its intended weapon system to determine if it meets design specifications. Our technology is TRL 8: the concept and models underlying our SCAN system have been proven to work in several operational projects for end users. See: for an overview of these projects

See more information about this level and the TRL and SRL levels.

Business plan completed

The BRIGAID Business Development Programme has been successfully completed. A MAF+ assessment has been conducted and its results have been enriched and incorporated into a business plan document.

The system’s main components have been individually tested, and an initial integration has been completed.


How does it work?

The proposed concept makes use of several highly innovative modelling approaches and building blocks, that flexibly can be combined to build a tool for decision support on integrated water systems, which may consist of catchments and/or rivers, sewer systems, etc (both large and small scale systems). The modelling approaches are flexible and modular, such that we can create tools tailored to the intended applications. Also, the level of model detail is adaptable, thereby obviating the creation of overly complex and too rigid models. Different temporal and spatial scales can be covered. Due to their flexibility and very short calculation times, the created models are ideally suited for various applications requiring numerous or long term simulations, and integrated analyses, such as simulations of the effect of climate scenarios, land use changes, water management scenarios; real-time applications, including intelligent real-time control and warning systems; evaluation and optimization strategies: from the installation of blue-green solutions, retention and infiltration basins along rivers and sewer systems, to strategies to optimize the water availability at catchment or regional scale, to integrated flood – drought control strategies, hydropower, etc. The tool can account for uncertainties and probabilistic analyses through ensemble runs.

Limitations/conditions under which this innovation does not work or is less effective

Training on the use of the tool is required.

Added value
Compared to other (conceptual and process-based/detailed) modelling approaches, our technology is: (1) More accurate and robust We can deal with complex flow dynamics (e.g. reverse flow, backwater effects, …). Also, important elements can be modelled explicitly, such as dike levels, hydraulic structures and their controls, different types of blue-green solutions, etc; (2) Expandable and flexible architecture. We can interface our models with other interfaces or userdefined modules and easily add model elements (e.g. innovations from other partners, such as controllable green roofs, retention basins, infiltration/irrigation facilities, various types of advanced local scale blue-green solutions, etc); (3) Computationally very efficient: the models can simulate scenarios up to a million times faster than detailed hydrodynamic models, while the results are comparable.

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